Crowdfund week 2: we're 86% of the way there!
This week there's lots to celebrate with our communities, partners and milestones we've achieved together.
Together we've raised 86% of our target in the first two weeks!
Last week we launched our £50k matchfund in partnership with a social investment institution. This doubled the impact of the investment made by our newest Library of Things co-owners, helping us to reach £257,000 in the first two weeks! A huge thank you to everyone for their support so far.
Watch a live Q&A with our co-founders to find out more
Still thinking about becoming a Library of Things co-owner to help us bring borrowing to more communities? Earlier this week, our crowdfund partners Ethex hosted a live Q&A with Library of Things co-founders Bex, Emma and Sophia and another social enterpise who are also crowdfunding - Stroud Micro Dairy.

Read: Getting London borrowing - why we're celebrating!
Two years ago, we set out to replicate Library of Things from 1 location in Crystal Palace to 7 across London – and last Friday, we officially launched in neighbourhood #7! And on Tuesday we launched #8!
Here are some of the things we’ve done together to get to that point:
 - developed a partnership model to work with community spaces, grassroots networks, councils & product manufacturers
 - 5000 people borrowing, starting to create a mindset shift in how we all use & share resources
 - creating new role models for women entrepreneurs & mission-led companies, with our award-winning team

Meet the partners who are getting their neighbourhoods borrowing!
We work in partnership with communities, local authorities and high street spaces to bring borrowing to a neighbourhood.Â
Clare, our community partner from Greener & Cleaner Bromley
She told us why she wanted to start Bromley Library of Things. “We started life as a Facebook group in 2019 to help ordinary people create a more sustainable Bromley. Library of Things is a practical example of exactly that – you can pop to your high street and borrow an item, rather than ordering stuff from Amazon that breaks 6 months later. Bromley Library of Things is a great addition to our Community Hub, where we will be hosting events, workshops, and repair cafes to help people reuse, repurpose, repair and borrow before buying."

Watch Councillor Mete Coban from Hackney Council talking about Library of Things on BBC News!