Help spread the word about Library of Things
We've teamed up with our friends at GoodGym to help spread the word that borrowing is better than buying, while getting a few steps in at the same time!
Over 19,000 Londoners have saved almost Ā£5,000,000 by renting Things instead of buying them, which is incredible. But with more than 9 million people living in London - we've still got more people to tell that they can save money, and help the planet!
Loads of you have told us that you'd love to get more involved with Library of Things, by helping to spread the word in your community. So we listened and teamed up with GoodGym to create some events so that you can get fit, meet your neighbours and shout about Library of Things...it's a win, win, win!

Still not sure?
See what this GoodGymer had to say about the event they attended in Wandsworth.
If you don't have an event near you, but want to help spread the word, then please send us an e-mail at kyra@libraryofthings.co.uk
Thank you for helping to grow the movement šŖ