Library of Things members that are breaking records
With more than 27k members, there's bound to be some surprising stories. Members like Tom have been busy setting records with the Things, so here's our round-up of our record breaking members from most documents shredded to a mega waffle bake off. Here are the contenders...

This Hammersmith member had a hole lotta fun with Doris the Drill, hanging 11 blinds in their apartment!

Holly put Marvin the Carpet Cleaner through their paces by cleaning a sofa, 3 armchairs, 3 mattresses and a rug!

Steven whipped up 29 waffles with the help of Martha the Waffle Maker in a big waffle bake off!

Tom borrowed Hana the Hand Sander to smooth off 167 medals for a GoodGym sports day! His arm was hurting but he was still grinning. Go Tom, you deserve a medal for that! 😉

Alexander lost their wedding ring for three weeks, after camping in Sussex. They saw Library of Things had Morse the Metal Detector, so thought it would be worth a try using it for another look. Within 20 minutes they’d found it!

This Hackney Wick member said goodbye to 20 years worth of paperwork with the help of Freddie the Shredder! 😳